Univer'sel AME
Univer'sel AME is much more than a relaxation ally, it is a powerful tool at the service of our energy construction through Chromatherapy and Olfactotherapy.
We are defragmented beings from our conception. We live in cycles of 9, 9 months, 9 years. The first 9 years of our life condition us on this false construction of the SELF.
We all incarnate with a life mission, experiences, lessons, potentials, characteristics specific to each one.
Our construction could be compared to the image of the rainbow which represents the defragmentation of light.
The rainbow is made up of colors, the colors of our energy system.
We incarnate being of light, whole in our true SELF, and each month, year we defragment a layer of our rainbow.
The goal is to refragment the light within us through the virtues of AME® Emotional Liberation Salts.

What does AME mean?
A as the love of self and others
M like the Matrix from Latin Matrix (mater-mother)
E for Energy from the Latin energia meaning Force in action
It is also :
TO others
M from Me
E for the group
TO M E it is the rule :
The A for the soul, the E for the Ego, all balanced in its Middle in M
Our team is always on the lookout for effective solutions
and simple to the well-being of its customers, and we decided to use salt to strengthen and sustain the release of the physical body and the different energy bodies by amplifying the power of its benefits.
While combining the power of salt with that of essential oils, aromatic herbs, flowers, chromotherapy and olfactotherapy; each mixture is carefully energetically charged by the vibration of the sound
crystal bowls corresponding to its color.
Universel'Ame thus provides optimal protection and adequate purification.
Each salt has properties inherent to its color
and the essential oils it contains. Each color brings vibratory energy and its own characteristics.
Universel'Ame allows you to act directly on the problem encountered for more efficiency while respecting our own unique ecosystem, and benefiting from the effects of the salt (s) chosen in line with your own needs while respecting your vibratory construction.

With its high mineral content (magnesium, calcium, potassium ...), it preserves the elasticity of the tissue and slows down aging, maintains hydration cutaneous.
It helps the muscles to relax and contributes to the proper functioning of muscles and nerves .
Allows you to benefit from the benefits of plants through aromatic herbs, flowers and essential oils.
Energetic :
-Refragmentation of the vibratory construction
-Cleaning and purifying properties of the Aura
- Balancing chakras and energy bodies
-Respect for our personal ecosystem